New - Monterey dot com - Missing Children of the Monterey Area
New - Monterey dot com - Missing Children of the Monterey Area
New - Monterey dot com - Missing Children of the Monterey Area
New - Monterey dot com - Missing Children of the Monterey Area
New - Monterey dot com - Missing Children of the Monterey Area
Missing Children
Nickname: Katie
Abduction Type: Endangered Runaway
Missing: 04/05/98
Missing from: Monterey, CA
Date of Birth: 02/25/85
Age at disappearance: 13 yrs.
Age now: 15 yrs.
Race: White
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 110 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
Other: scar on left ankle.
Missing from: Monterey, CA
Circumstances: Katie was believed to be in the Seaside area for quite some time after she disappeared. Clues in her case lead investigators to believe that she may still frequent the area.
If you have information concerning this abduction, please contact: The Monterey (CA) Police Department, Detective Wright - (831) 646-3814, or The Polly Klaas(r) Foundation (800) 587-4357 |
If you know of any missing children please click on "contact" above and let me know of all the details you know and we will list them here.